时间:2021-09-09   访问量:1252



Because environmentally friendly lubricants are somewhat new and not as clearly defined as other lubrication concepts, many people struggle with certain terms such as bio-based and biodegradable. When discussing these types of lubricants, it is imperative to apply the proper terminology and to understand why these words should not be used interchangeably.


Bio-based Lubricants生物基润滑油

The term bio-based specifies the origin of a lubricant. This involves the annually renewable raw material utilized to construct the lubricant’s base stock. Some examples of these base stock materials would be soybean, rapeseed and sunflower products. These base stocks can offer good lubricity, flash point and viscosity index properties but often are inferior in regard to their oxidation stability. Although their usage is not widespread, they have their place in certain hydraulics, total-loss systems and environmentally sensitive areas.


Biodegradable Lubricants可生物降解润滑油

Just as what characterizes bio-based lubricants centers on the front end of the lubricant’s creation, what identifies biodegradable lubricants is more focused on the back end. It considers how the environment has a tendency to break down the lubricant, if exposed, as well as the function and timeframe for this breakdown to occur.


The ASTM D6064 standard defines biodegradability as “a function of degree of degradation, time and test methodology.” Other terms generally used to describe a lubricant’s level of biodegradability are “readily biodegradable” or “primary degradation” and “inherently biodegradable” or “ultimate degradation.”

ASTM D6064标准将生物降解性定义为降解程度、时间和测试方法的函数。其他通常用来描述润滑剂生物降解水平的术语是容易可降解初级降解固有的可降解最终降解

Primary degradation measures the reduction in the carbon-hydrogen bond and is determined with infrared spectroscopy. Ultimate degradation assesses the evolution of carbon dioxide through the degradation process. The ASTM D5864 standard is one of the most common methods for verifying this level of biodegradability.

初级降解测量了碳-氢键的还原,并通过红外光谱法测定。最终的降解评估了二氧化碳通过降解过程的演变。ASTM D5864 标准是验证这种水平的生物降解性的最常见的方法之一。

The Differences区别

It is important to understand the differences between biodegradable and bio-based lubricants. While some lubricants may be bio-based, this does not necessarily make them biodegradable. This is true for a couple of reasons. First, a bio-based lubricant might not be the only base stock in the lubricating oil. Second, in rare occasions, the bio-based base stock, though agrarian in nature, may not be biodegradable. On the other hand, some synthetic base stock lubricating oils can offer biodegradable benefits as well.


By recognizing these differences and knowing that specific test parameters exist to determine whether a lubricant is biodegradable, you should be able to apply the proper terms when discussing environmentally friendly lubricants.




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